New Deal Advisors
Roberto Tasca

Roberto Tasca


Professional  background:

2024: Full Professor of Financial Intermediation and Markets at Milano University, on leave pursuant to Article 13 of Presidential Decree No. 382 of 11/07/1980
2019: Partner of New Deal Advisors SpA
2013: Founder of Studio Tasca S.r.L. – Independent advisory company, specialized in technical support in arbitrations, civil and criminal proceedings, finance transactions, financial and corporate restructuring, Valuations and Fairness Opinion
2016 – 2021: Councillor for the Budget and State Property of the Municipality of Milan
2001 – 2024: Full Professor of Financial Intermediation and Markets at Bologna University

Professional position and work experience:

  • Chairman of the Board of Directors and President of the ESG Committee and Relations with the Territories of A2A S.p.A.
  • Vice President at Utilitalia.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of Assolombarda – Association of Companies operating in the Metropolitan City of Milan and in the provinces of Lodi, Monza and Brianza, Pavia.
  • Member of the Board of Directors of the Environment Technical Group.
  • Member of the Management Board of OIV – Italian Evaluation Foundation; (2019-2024) Member of the Board of Directors of AIAF – Italian Association for Financial Analysis.
  • Member of the Board, and Member of the Boards of Statutory Auditors and Supervisory Board 231, among others: (2012–2014) Chairman Webank; (2013–2016) Chairman F.S.I. ODV; (2013–2016) Chairman Simest ODV. – (2021–2024) Chairman of the Board of Directors of Cerved Aisp S.r.l.
  • Technical consultant and expert in civil and antitrust proceedings, in criminal proceedings, as well as in business matters, including: Fondiaria Sai, Windjet, MB Bank, BPVI Bank, Mercatone Uno Holding, BMPS Bank, Etruria Bank, Saipem.
  • Independent expert in support for Boards of Directors, including among others: RCS Mediagroup, Telecom Italia SpA, RCF Group SpA.
  • Special Commissioner:  (2016–2022) Il Sole S.p.A; (2015–2022) La Peninsulare S.p.A; (2014–2017) SARP S.p.A – management of compulsory administrative liquidation procedures– IVASS appointed.
  • Special Commissioner, Cape Natixis SGR (2011-2012), management of extraordinary administrative procedure –MEF-Banca d’Italia-appointed.

The extreme professionalism and availability, the immediate understanding of the customer’s needs and practice, the experience in detecting and determining damages, the clarity and completeness of the prepared technical report: these are the elements that have characterized the team’s work of New Deal Advisors which has assisted us in a dispute initiated by one of our clients for the unlawful suspension of contracts in public procurement.

Avv. Matteo Padellaro socio Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners

The team’s skills stretch far beyond usual professional competence, enabling them to extract reliable data even in challenging environments, simplifying highly complex analyses and providing sound and reliable support to sensitive decision making, in the context of a constructive and positive spirit.

ANDERA – Luca Maria Ravano / Massimo Massari Partners

With New Deal Advisors we have collaborated in identifying and representing criminally relevant elements before the Public Prosecutor’s Office following the investigations conducted by them; their experience in this field, the solid technical preparation and the ability to put it at the service of the client and the lawyers have proved to be fundamental for the concrete pursuit of the results expected by the client at the beginning of the project.

Avv. Gildo Ursini socio Studio Ursini

We have been working with New Deal Advisors for many years and for us they have become a reference partner in our investment processes. They are extremely competent and flexible professionals with a very pragmatic and always in-depth analysis approach. A senior team that has been able to gain esteem and confidence even from its counterparts by being appreciated for its ability to bring real added value even in the post deal.

PFH – Nicola Iorio, Nadia Buttignol e Massimiliano Mattietti

We used the help of New Deal Advisors as part of our portfolio monitoring activities through IBR, financial review, forensic services and we found a great skill, innovation and originality in strategies and actions and added value of the analyzes produced.

Elena Lodola Head of Leveraged Finance Capital Markets Italy, BNP Paribas.

I worked with New Deal Advisors in a project that involved the evaluation of an intangible asset in the presence of different elements of damage. Andrea was very attentive to the needs of the end customer, both in terms of budget and delivery time of the evaluation report. The final product was excellent with wide customer satisfaction having been followed its indications and identified original technical solutions to obtain the expected final result.

Avv. Vincenzo D'Ambra socio Studio Nunziante Magrone

In 2017, we realized a strategic and structuring external growth operation in Italy, initiated by our participation ORCA, with the take-over of FAIT PLAST, European leading manufacturer of technical thermoplastic films. During this operation, we really enjoyed working with New Deal Advisors who has demonstrated its ability to find and analyse key financial information and deliver a very good DD report in a short timeframe.

idi - Augustin Harrel-Courtès Senior Associate